IWNET 2015
7th International Workshop and Summer School on Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics (IWNET 2015)
Hilvarenbeek, The Netherlands

Scientific program
Important dates
Abstract submission
Organizing committee
Advisory board
Social program
Venue & accommodation
Travel directions

Scientific program

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Summer school lectures:

Fundamental issues in nonequilibrium thermodynamics »»
  • Miroslav Grmela   École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
    Mechanics with missing details

  • Henning Struchtrup   University of Victoria, Canada
    Extended thermodynamics and moment methods: Successes and challenges

Fundamental underpinnings of and rigorous mathematical results in nonequilibrium thermodynamics »»
  • Grigorius A. Pavliotis   Imperial College London, United Kingdom
    Linear response theory, Green-Kubo formulas and Langevin dynamics

  • Mark Peletier   Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
    Onsager reciprocity, gradient flows, and large deviations
Coarse-graining techniques and truly multiscale simulations »»
  • Pep Español   Universidad Nacional de Educacion Distancia, Spain
    The theory of coarse-graining, also known as non-equilibrium statistical mechanics

  • Patrick Ilg   University of Reading, United Kingdom
    Towards constitutive equations of complex fluids derived from thermodynamically guided molecular simulations

Role of thermodynamics in modeling the dynamics of complex materials under deformation »»
  • Antony Beris   University of Delaware, U.S.A.
    Nonequilibrium thermodynamics modeling of the flow and deformation of complex materials with internal microstructure

  • Bob Svendsen   RWTH Aachen, Germany
    Role of thermodynamics in modeling the behavior of complex solids

Heterogeneous systems, interfaces, system-boundaries and small systems »»
  • Leonard Sagis   Wageningen University, The Netherlands
    Modeling interfacial dynamics in soft interface dominated materials

  • Dick Bedeaux   Norwegian University of Science and Technology - Trondheim, Norway
    Small and large system thermodynamics