Applied Rheology: Publications
Paridokht Mahallati, Hojjat Mahi Hassanabadi, Manfred Wilhelm, Denis Rodrigue
Rheological characterization of thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) based on PP and recycled EPDM

Appl. Rheol. 26:3 (2016) 33503 (7 pages)

Abstract: The rheological behavior of thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) based on 50/50 recycled ethylenepropylene-diene monomer (r-EPDM)/polypropylene (PP) was studied to determine the effect of feeding strategy when preparing these blends using twin-screw extrusion. In particular, small and large deformation characterizations have been performed to better understand the relationships between sample preparation and final properties of the blends. It was found that small changes in blend morphology (particle size and interfacial adhesion) are better distinguished in rheological properties (melt state) under large deformation (LAOS and step shear) compared to small deformation (SAOS). © 2016 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-26-33503

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