Applied Rheology: Publications
Annika Gram, Johan Silfwerbrand, Bjorn Lagerblad
Particle Motion in Fluid - Analytical and Numerical Study

Appl. Rheol. 26:2 (2016) 23326 (7 pages)

Abstract: Particle motion in fluid is discussed for one-particle systems as well as for dense suspensions, such as cementitious materials. The difference in large particle motion between larger particles and behaviour of fines (< 125 mm) is explained, motion of one particle is shown by numerical simulation. It is concluded and highlighted that it is the particular motion of the fines that to a large extent contribute to the rheological properties of a suspension. It is also shown why larger ellipsoidal particles do not necessarily contribute to the increase of viscosity. © 2016 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-26-23326

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