Applied Rheology: Publications
A. Krope, J. Krobe, L.C. Lipus
A Model for Velocity Profile in Turbulent Boundary Layer with Drag Reducing Surfactants

Appl. Rheol. 15:3 (2005) 152-159

Abstract: A new model for mean velocity profile of turbulent water flow with added drag-reducing surfactants is presented in this paper. The general problem of drag due to frictional resistance is reviewed and drag reduction by the addition of polymers or surfactants is introduced. The model bases on modified Prandtl's mixing length hypothesis and includes three parameters, which depend on additives and can be evaluated by numerical simulation from experimental datasets. The advantage of the model in comparison with previously reported models is that it gives uniform curve for whole pipe section and can be determined for a new surfactant with less necessary measurements. The use of the model is demonstrated for surfactant Habon-G as an example. © 2005 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-15-152

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