Applied Rheology: Publications
Howard See
Mechanisms of magneto-and electro-rheology: Recent progress and unresolved issues

Appl. Rheol. 11:2 (2001) 70-82

Abstract: An electrorheological fluid (ERF) (magnetorheological fluid - MRF) is a particulate suspension which shows a dramatic increase in flow resistance upon application of an external electric (magnetic) field. In both systems, the fundamental physical process is believed to be that the field induces polarization of each particle with respect to the carrier material, and the resulting interparticle forces cause elongated aggregates of particles to form in the field direction. While recent years have witnessed the appearance of several applications using these tunable flow properties, optimal use of this technology is still hindered by our incomplete understanding of the underlying mechanisms. This paper surveys our current understanding of several of the key issues governing the rheological behavior of MRF and ERF, with particular focus on recent progress made in important areas such as the behavior under high fields, sedimentation, temperature dependence, effect of wall surface conditions, and advances made in developing practical modelling strategies. © 2001 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-11-70

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Appl Rheol 11 (2001) issues:


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