Applied Rheology: Publications
G.P. Roberts, H.A. Barnes, C. Mackie
Using the Microsoft Excel `solver' tool to perform non-linear curve fitting, using a range of non-Newtonian flow curves as examples

Appl. Rheol. 11:5 (2001) 271-276

Abstract: The Microsoft Excel ‘SolverÂ’ tool is a very simple but powerful procedure, even in the hands of the mathematically disadvantaged. It has very good application for quickly fitting experimental flow-curve data to non-Newtonian flow models with any number of parameters, and can cope with data from a number of sources. Examples are given for a range of industrially important examples ranging from standard non-Newtonian liquids, through detergent solutions to gels, pastes, and filled polymer melts, often measured on different viscometers. © 2001 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-11-271

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