Applied Rheology: Publications
T. Kitano, S.A.R. Hashmi, N. Chand
Dynamic viscoelastic properties of organic/inorganic fibres reinforced LLDPE composites in molten state

Appl. Rheol. 11:5 (2001) 258-263

Abstract: Dynamic rheological parameters such as storage modulus, G’, loss modulus, G’’, and dynamic viscosity, h’, at 200°C were studied for Kevlar fibres, glass fibres and their hybrids reinforced linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE). Parallel plate rheometer was employed for these tests. G’, G’’ and h’ increased with the increased reinforcement and angular frequency, w. Two sets of reinforcement, 10 and 20 vol.% of fibres are used in LLDPE. The composition of fibres in hybrid composites was varied. The replacement of glass fibres with Kevlar increases the values of G’, G’’ and h’. The values of these rheological parameters also increased with the thickness of the composite. This increase was associated with the decreased average orientation of fibres present in the composite. The effects of the change in strain amplitude on G’ and G’’ is also studied and reported here. © 2001 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-11-258

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Appl Rheol 11 (2001) issues:


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