Applied Rheology: Publications
Chenxu Yu, Sundaram Gunasekaran
Correlation of dynamic and steady viscosities of food materials

Appl. Rheol. 11:3 (2001) 134-140

Abstract: Eight commercial foods representing a wide range of viscosities (i.e. honey, condensed milk, mayonnaise, tomato ketchup, cream cheese, yogurt, process and Mozzarella cheeses) were investigated. Their steady shear viscosity and dynamic complex viscosity were determined by rheological measurements at two temperatures using a Bohlin-CVO rheometer. Based on experimental data, shear rate dependence of steady flow apparent viscosity and frequency dependence of dynamic viscosity was established and compared. It was determined that for condensed milk, tomato ketchup and mayonnaise, a modified Cox-Merz relation could be established. For cream cheese, a generalized Cox-Merz relation was proposed; and for yogurt, a deviation from the Cox-Merz rule was found. For Mozzarella and process cheeses a sharp drop in steady shear viscosity was noticed between 1~10 s-1 shear rate range. The Cox-Merz rule was not applicable for these cheese samples. © 2001 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-11-134

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Appl Rheol 11 (2001) issues:


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