Applied Rheology: Publications
J. A. Carmona, N. Calero, P. Ramirez, J. Munoz
Rheology and structural recovery kinetics of an advanced performance xanthan gum with industrial application

Appl. Rheol. 27:2 (2017) 25555 (9 pages)

Abstract: The overall objective of this work was to explore the rheology of an advanced performance xanthan gum, which is able to endure the shear and turbulent flows typically found in high-shear mixers or even homogenizers. A further goal was the development of a rheological experimental setup that can be used to gain information about the structural recovery after applying a given shear stress. A fast structural recovery after cessation of shear is essential for a wide range of practical applications. The high zero shear viscosity, strong shear thinning response along with a fast drop of viscosity with shear time and structural recovery support the applications of this xanthan gum as thickening agent and stabilizer. The rheological characterization focused on the influence of xanthan gum concentration (0.15 – 0.40%(m/m)) on the dynamic viscoelastic properties, steady shear and thixotropic behavior, and kinetics of structural recovery. © 2017 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-27-25555

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