Applied Rheology: Publications
Dong Zhang, Shuo Liu, Jing-Yu Xu
Rheological properties of heavy crude oil containing sand from Bo-hai oilfield in China

Appl. Rheol. 27:2 (2017) 24849 (9 pages)

Abstract: This paper presents an experimental study on the rheological properties of heavy crude oil containing sand to determine the effects of sand size distribution and mass concentration on apparent viscosity, thixotropic behavior, yield stress and viscoelastic properties. The results of these analyses demonstrate that heavy crude oil containing sand shows strong shear-thinning behavior and a certain degree of thixotropic properties. After blending heavy crude oil with sand, the apparent viscosity and the area of the thixotropic loop first decrease and then steadily increase with increasing sand mass concentration. At a fixed mass concentration, apparent viscosity appears to increase with increasing particle size, while yield stress decreases. Moreover, adding sand generally enhances the elastic modulus of heavy crude oil, while the complex viscosity remains slightly less than the apparent viscosity. These results provide new information helpful for removing sand from heavy crude oil. © 2017 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-27-24849

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Appl Rheol 27 (2017) issues:


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