Applied Rheology: Publications
Aly Franck
A new generation of separate motor and transducer rheometers

Appl. Rheol. 18:1 (2008) 44-47

Abstract: The new ARES-G2 is a rotational rheometer based on the unique concept of separation of motor and force/torque transducer. Designed from ground up, a key objective of the development project was to provide increased flexibility designing rheological experiments and to allow new and application specific test procedures. In order to achieve these goals all major instrument components such as the actuator, transducer, stage, data acquisition, environmental systems, etc. are developed as independent intelligent sub-assemblies, controlled by a central processor. The rigid firmware based on fixed test modes is replaced with a versatile user interface allowing a free combination of instrument instructions, which are downloaded to the instrument prior testing. Fast digital signal processing replaces the analog electronics providing faster, more accurate motor and transducer control and allowing the implementation of full stress control in oscillation and transient test modes. Significantly improved data acquisition with 5 fast data channels in all test modes enables SAOS and enhanced LAOS testing with complete support of higher harmonic analysis. © 2008 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-18-44

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Appl Rheol 18 (2008) issues:


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