Applied Rheology: Publications
Nikolaos Katsikis, Tobias Königer, Helmut Münstedt
Elongational viscosities of polymethylmethacrylate / nano-clay composites

Appl. Rheol. 17:5 (2007) 52751 (9 pages)

Abstract: The elongational flow of polymethylmethacrylate / nano-clay composites was studied during stressing and creep experiments using a Müt tensile rheometer (MTR). The dispersion of the nano-clay was controlled by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and the layer distance was measured with X-ray diffraction (XRD).With growing volume fraction of the filler an increase of the viscosity is observed under constant strain rate and constant stress conditions. The results for the elongational viscosities for both modes are consistent with each other. Furthermore, a strain softening behavior can be measured, which is the more pronounced the higher the nano-clay content is. As the Trouton rule is not valid, deviations from the linear behaviour are related to an envolope curve for the elongational viscosities instead of the threefold zero shear viscosity. © 2007 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-17-52751

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Appl Rheol 17 (2007) issues:


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