Applied Rheology: Publications
M. Kroger
Landmark Paper Index: Definition and Application to Rheological (η-)Journals

Appl. Rheol. 16:6 (2006) 329-333

Abstract: We define a Landmark Paper Index (LPI), calculate and analyze indices for all papers published in rheological journals ('η-journals') between 1990 and 2006. This paper offers some information about the criteria influencing the impact of publications on the (scientific) community. In opposite to the well known Impact Factor (journal sensitive) or the number of citations (article sensitive, publication year insensitive) the LPI helps to identify established and potential breakthrough contributions by considering the number of citations per year after publication, in a way which does not overestimate the few, highly cited, articles when performing averages. We discuss the effect of formal criteria on the LPI. © 2006 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-16-329

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Appl Rheol 16 (2006) issues:


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