Applied Rheology: Publications
Corneliu Balan, Ralf Riedel
Sol-Gel Modelling Associated with the Rheology of Polymeric Precursors of Ceramic Materials

Appl. Rheol. 13:5 (2003) 251-258

Abstract: A general constitutive relation describing the change of viscoelastic behavior during the liquid - solid (sol - gel) transition which takes place in preceramic polymers is derived on the basis of Jeffrey.s 3-constants model with time dependent viscosities and elasticity. It is postulated that the sol - gel - transition can be analyzed analogous to the solutions of the Avrami equation used for modeling crystallization processes. Two different polymer systems used as precursor for the production of ceramic materials are investigated here: i) a mixture based on polysiloxane, alumatrane and isopropanol; ii) a non-oxidic carbodiimide gel based on the reaction of chlorosilanes with bis(trimethylsilyl)carbodiimide. Continuous measurements of the dynamic moduli versus reaction time, as well as creep tests at constant shear stress, evidenced both qualitative similarities and quantitative differences associated with the sol - gel transition of the two polymer systems. The shear rate and viscosity dependence of reaction time in creep tests, respectively the evolution of Lissajous figures associated with oscillatory experiments, are found to be consistent with the numerical simulations of the proposed constitutive relation. © 2003 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-13-251

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