Applied Rheology: Publications
Waheed Uddin
Viscoelastic Characterization of Polymer-Modified Asphalt Binders of Pavement Applications

Appl. Rheol. 13:4 (2003) 191-199

Abstract: Rutting is a primary reason of premature deterioration of asphalt highway pavements. Pavements constructed with polymer and other modifiers are showing improved performance. The virgin asphalt and modified asphalt binders and mixes used on several test sections of the I-55 highway rehabilitation project in northern Mississippi are compared. The laboratory creep compliance data for these binders were measured at low temperatures using a modified test procedure adapted for the Bending Beam Rheometer device. Dynamic Shear Rheometer was used at high service temperatures. The creep compliance data of the binder was used as an input to simulate creep compliance behavior of the mix using a micromechanical model. The field evaluation confirms the relatively poor performance of the virgin asphalt section with respect to rutting, compared to modified binder sections. © 2003 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-13-191

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