Applied Rheology: Publications
M. Marouche, D. Anne-Archard, H.C. Boisson
A Numerical Model of Yield Stress Fluid Dynamics in a Mixing Vessel

Appl. Rheol. 12:4 (2002) 182-191

Abstract: A numerical study is conducted on the behaviour of yield stress fluids in a mixing vessel equipped with anchor agitator in laminar regime. It is shown that extending a standard Carreau model of shear thinning fluid is a suitable practice. Validations versus Couette flow analytical solution are satisfactory. Main features of local hydrodynamics and global power consumption are described for a 2D flow. Significant changes in the flow pattern are observed for low inertia and high yield stress and the results are considered as guidelines for further laboratory experiments. © 2002 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-12-182

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