Applied Rheology: Publications
Hansong Zhang, Zhide Hu, Hua Yan, Jianjian Yang, Fanghao Niu
The influences on field-induced chains by nonmagnetic microstructures inside the magnetorheological fluids Based on PTFE-oil organogel

Appl. Rheol. 28:5 (2018) 53921 (12 pages)

Abstract: Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) micropowders were used to prepare PTFE-oil organogel. Carbonyl iron particles were dispersed in this organogel to fabricate magnetorheological fluids. The main aim of this paper is to investigate the influences on fieldinduced chains by non-magnetic microstructures inside these organogel-based MRFs. The field-induced anisotropy of MRFs between first normal stress differences to shear stresses and dynamic modulus reveal that organogel widen the non- Newtonian elastic range of MRFs as long as the non-magnetic particles content is appropriate. Both theoretical and experimental results of static and dynamic normal forces indicate that normal forces are influenced by magnetic and non-magnetic microstructures comprehensively. The dynamic normal forces are lower than static ones under low magnetic field strength while the phenomenon becomes opposite in the presence of high strength magnetic field. Moreover, a 3ITT test of normal forces exhibits a significant time-dependent behavior of the normal forces. The investigations of recovery ratio demonstrate that the non-magnetic microstructures help field-induced chains to recover at relatively low magnetic field strength but hinder this structural recovery at high magnetic field strength. Finally, a new investigation method on amplitude-dependent normal forces is introduced showing a four-region behavior as a function of strain amplitude, which reflects the internal microscopic evolution of MRFs and could be a proper way to study the influences on field-induced chains by non-magnetic particles. © 2018 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-28-53921

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Appl Rheol 28 (2018) issues:


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