Applied Rheology: Publications
S. Noroozi, S. Tavangar, S.H. Hashemabadi
CFD Simulation of Wall Impingement of Tear Shape Viscoplastic Drops Utilizing OpenFOAM

Appl. Rheol. 23:5 (2013) 55519 (13 pages)

Abstract: The main objective of this study is to get insight into the dynamic behavior of viscoplastic drop in impingement process in which the Capillary number is greater than one. In numerical analysis, Volume Of Fluid (VOF) approach was used for capturing the liquid-gas interface. Two different drop shapes (spherical and tear shapes) were used to investigate the drop morphology in an impingement process. According to the results, the numerical results concerning the tear shape drop showed proper agreement with experimental reports (mean deviation of 16 %) in different impact velocities. The flow field was discussed during the impact process in terms of its effect on apparent viscosity and spreading length. Influence of contact angle, consistency, power law index, and surface tension variations on spreading parameter (ratio of contact diameter on the substrate to equivalent initial drop diameter) were investigated. Furthermore, three different rheological models (consisting of Herschel-Bulkley, Casson, and Robertson-Stiff) were employed to study the effects of rheological models on simulation outcomes. © 2013 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-23-55519

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Appl Rheol 23 (2013) issues:


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