Applied Rheology: Publications
Victor Chernov, Benveniste Natan
A simplified model for the evaluation of the rheological properties of a suspension of solids in a power-law fluid

Appl. Rheol. 22:1 (2012) 15163 (10 pages)

Abstract: An effort is made to determine theoretically the new rheological properties of a rheologically defined non-Newtonian fluid as a result of the addition of particles in the original fluid. A theoretical model is proposed to determine the rheological properties of a dilute suspension of infinite-length round particles for a Power-Law fluid, which is treated as a homogeneous fluid with new rheological properties. The equations of a two-dimensional, dilatational, creeping, steady-state flow of a near-Newtonian fluid around a solid circular particle are developed and solved. The solution is obtained by computation of the dissipation relation and is based on the change of the shear rate in a shear flow of the suspension. The model is solved numerically. The resulting from the particle addition fluid is found to be more shear-thinning in comparison to the original. Experimental evidence from the literature supports the soundness of the present findings. © 2012 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-22-15163

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