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Ketan Joshi, Lewis Wedgewood
Stagnation Flow Studies of Polymer Solutions in 2D System

Appl. Rheol. 13:4 (2003) 174-182

Stagnation flow studies form a key research area in numerous applications dealt with industry. When a fluid approaches a solid boundary, it undergoes severe deceleration along the axis of impingement. We present the experimental findings of the effects of stagnation point on polymeric flow systems. While coating metal sheets or wires with a polymer melt, the metal sheet forms a moving plane on which a steady flow of the melt is maintained. Further in the process the polymer melt cools down and forms a coating. Stagnation region exists around the point where the polymer melt first touches the metal sheet. We try to simulate this situation except in our experiments the solid plane is not moving. The polymer solution flows down the inverted T-channel and strikes the base where we obtain the stagnation region. Laser Doppler technique is used to analyze the flow profile in this region. Initial analysis includes the analysis of a Newtonian fluid which is compared to theoretical predictions. Polyisobutadiene solution with three different concentrations, 0.1%, 1% and 3%, was tested for observing the effect of the change in concentration on the flow patterns around the stagnation point. In the stagnation region the fluid is not completely stagnant but follows a non-streamwise motion.

Cite this publication as follows:
Joshi K, Wedgewood L: Stagnation Flow Studies of Polymer Solutions in 2D System, Appl. Rheol. 13 (2003) 174.

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