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Cirillo Atzeni, Ulrico Sanna, Nannina Spanu
A Rheological Fuzzy Model for Lime Plasticity and Mortar Consistency

Appl. Rheol. 16:2 (2006) 80-89

This paper is concerned with a fuzzy model developed for describing the rheological properties of lime pastes and mortars. We have identified the physical parameters on which the flow properties of these materials depend, and whose complex interrelationships make it difficult to model the phenomena using a traditional approach. The basic notions of fuzzy modelling are described, a technique which enables different kinds of variables and other knowledge elements to be handled in a formal context that can be easily computerized. Applying the Fuzzy Approximation Theorem we can develop a model irrespective of whether the correlation functions are expressed in explicit analytical form or not. The definitions of the fuzzy sets for the different variables are provided which, together with IF/THEN rules comprise the knowledge base of the model. The model is then applied to determine the plasticity of lime pastes and consistency of lime-based mortars using ordinary fuzzy inference mechanisms.

Cite this publication as follows:
Atzeni C, Sanna U, Spanu N: A Rheological Fuzzy Model for Lime Plasticity and Mortar Consistency, Appl. Rheol. 16 (2006) 80.

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