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Marianna Kontopoulou, Marie-Claude Heuzey, Frej Mighri
Symposium on Rheology of Complex Fluids and Honorary Symposium for Pierre Carreau during the 66th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference

Appl. Rheol. 26:6 (2016) 53-54

Cite this publication as follows:
Kontopoulou M, Heuzey M, Mighri F: Symposium on Rheology of Complex Fluids and Honorary Symposium for Pierre Carreau during the 66th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Appl. Rheol. 26 (2016) 53.

Chelsea A. Braybrook, Jennifer A. Lee, Philip J. Bates, Marianna Kontopoulou
Development of a Sliding Plate Rheometer to Measure the High Frequency Viscoelastic Properties of Polymer Melts

Appl. Rheol. 17:6 (2007) 62563 (8 pages)

A newly designed and constructed sliding plate rheometer is used to measure the high frequency (210 Hz) linear viscoelastic properties of two model polymers: polybutene (PB) and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Using well-known rheological models, extrapolations of the viscoelastic measurements obtained on a rotational parallel plate rheometer to a frequency of 210 Hz are used to assess the performance of the high frequency sliding plate rheometer. Good agreement between the extrapolated and measured data demonstrates the ability of the sliding plate rheometer to measure the high frequency rheological properties of both Newtonian and shear-thinning materials.

Cite this publication as follows:
Braybrook CA, Lee JA, Bates PJ, Kontopoulou M: Development of a Sliding Plate Rheometer to Measure the High Frequency Viscoelastic Properties of Polymer Melts, Appl. Rheol. 17 (2007) 62563.

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