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Mohammad Reza Garmsiri, Hassan Haji Amin Shirazi
The effect of suspension properties on shear yield stress and compressibility of the suspension of copper flotation tailings

Appl. Rheol. 28:1 (2018) 15721 (8 pages)

The performance of modern slurry dewatering equipment is essentially dependent on the efficiency of compression. Shear yield stress as an index of flowability and compressibility is affected by suspension properties, while the presence of reagents may be significant. In this work, the effect of fine fraction, pH, flocculant, and collector concentration on the shear yield stress of copper flotation tailings at concentrators placed at Sarcheshmeh and Shahrebabak (Iran) were examined. Slump and settling tests were utilized to investigate the shear yield stress and compressibility of suspension. A pilot scale column was also employed to investigate the compressibility of suspension. Results indicated that shear yield stress increase, while compressibility decrease with flocculant concentration and fine fraction. It was found that the shear yield stress steadily increased with pH. Furthermore, in the presence of collectors the shear yield stress was reduced, while the compressibility enhanced.

Cite this publication as follows:
Garmsiri MR, HajiAminShirazi H: The effect of suspension properties on shear yield stress and compressibility of the suspension of copper flotation tailings, Appl. Rheol. 28 (2018) 15721.

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