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Haifa El-Sadi, Nabil Esmail
The Effect of Yellowing Inhibitor Total Charge on The Rheology of Paper Coating

Appl. Rheol. 12:6 (2002) 289-296

New compounds, called inhibitors, provide anti-yellowing effect for mechanical pulps and papers, when added to the coating formulation. The rheology of coating mixtures, which contain clay, ground calcium carbonate, starch, latex, inhibitors and other minor additives, affects to a certain extent the final quality of the coated paper. The purpose of this work is to investigate the effect of the total weight charge of inhibitors, when present between coating color ingredients, on the thixotropy and visco-elasticity of the mixture and other rheological properties. We also study the degree of interaction between inhibitor and coating ingredients using Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and water retention measurements. For the industrially preferred inhibitor system of low RS/UVA ratio and high total charge the coating formulation will have a significant increase in the general value of viscosity and a clear and profound shear-thinning behavior. Under the desired conditions of higher total charge the coating formulation acquires significant thixotropic behavior. A higher level of energy is required to coat such formulation. The elastic modulus increases with frequency. This rise in the elastic modulus reveals the increasing interaction between particles in the coating formulation. The total charge does not affect the resistance of a coating color to the applied stress. The coating color with low total charge has the strongest water holding capability decreasing with increasing total charge.

Cite this publication as follows:
El-Sadi H, Esmail N: The Effect of Yellowing Inhibitor Total Charge on The Rheology of Paper Coating, Appl. Rheol. 12 (2002) 289.

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