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Pilar Olivares-Carrillo, Antonia Perez de los Rias, Joaquin Quesada-Medina, Jose Gines Hernandez Cifre, Francisco Guillermo Diaz Banos
Viscosity as a measure of oil composition changes due to thermal degradation

Appl. Rheol. 24:5 (2014) 53667 (6 pages)

In this work, the viscosity of soybean oil subjected to thermal degradation has been determined and related to the chemical composition of the oil. In particular, it is found a linear relationship between the viscosity value and the triglycerides content during the degradation process (an increase of the former is associated to a decrease of the latter). Thus, it is shown that viscosity provides us a reliable way of measuring oil degradation and, insofar as proportional to flow time, it allows for the design of simple devices to control the oil quality. Besides, the study of the viscosity behavior along with the changes in composition during the cooking time, i.e. the period of time that the oil is being heated, give us valuable information about the type of chemical reactions occurring within the oil.

Cite this publication as follows:
Olivares-Carrillo P, PerezdelosRios A, Quesada-Medina J, HernandezCifre JG, DiazBanos FG: Viscosity as a measure of oil composition changes due to thermal degradation, Appl. Rheol. 24 (2014) 53667.

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