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A. Daimallah, A. Bouabdallah, B. Nsom, M. Adnane, A. Alemany
Onset of Instabilities in Taylor-Dean Flow of Yield-Stress Fluid

Appl. Rheol. 19:3 (2009) 33960 (8 pages)

We present an experimental study of the stability of the Taylor-Dean flow of well characterized suspensions of solid disks occurring between two horizontal coaxial cylinders. The inner cylinder is rotating and the outer cylinder is at rest. By means of a visualization technique, we determine the shape of the vortices which take place in the flow at the onset of the instability and the corresponding critical parameters against the flake concentration and the system aspect ratio.

Cite this publication as follows:
Daimallah A, Bouabdallah A, Nsom B, Adnane M, Alemany A: Onset of Instabilities in Taylor-Dean Flow of Yield-Stress Fluid, Appl. Rheol. 19 (2009) 33960.

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