Applied Rheology: Publications
Imane Belyamani, Joshua U. Otaigbe, Dana Nelson, Brian Strom, James Roberds
Rheological properties of southern pine oleoresins

Appl. Rheol. 25:5 (2015) 53708 (12 pages)

Abstract: Despite the economic and ecologic importance of pine oleoresins, their rheology remains little explored. In this report we describe rheological properties of oleoresins produced by mature trees of four southern pines native to North America (loblolly, slash, longleaf, shortleaf). Results indicate that these oleoresins are structured fluids that exhibit viscoelastic behavior, but differ in flow behavior. Slash pine oleoresin exhibited Newtonian flow behavior while the oleoresin from the longleaf and shortleaf pines showed pseudoplastic behavior and the loblolly pine oleoresin showed Bingham fluid behavior with a yield stress of about 1.980 Pa. Temperature-dependent viscosities for the oleoresin samples studied were well described by the Arrhenius model, yielding flow activation energies ranging from 153.5 to 219.7 kJ/mol. The viscosity of the slash pine oleoresin sample was found to be less sensitive to temperature than that of the shortleaf or longleaf pine samples. The time-temperature superposition principle was successfully applied to pine oleoresins to show behavior over the temperature range of 25 - 65°C typical for a thermorheologically simple system. Such behavior is consistent with the temperature dependent viscoelastic properties found for these complex fluids, and supports the effective use of rheological evaluations for describing physical properties of pine oleoresins. © 2015 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-25-53708

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