Applied Rheology: Publications
Radek Pivokonsky, Petr Filip, Jana Zelenkova
Visualization of elongation measurements using an SER universal testing platform

Appl. Rheol. 25:1 (2015) 13636 (8 pages)

Abstract: A Sentmanat Extension Rheometer represents one out of a few experimental devices for the measurement of elongational viscosity of polymer melts. However, the appropriateness of this technique for individual polymer materials is not sufficiently apparent and in some case is disregarded or ignored. The proposed visualization technique is based on imprinting painted pattern from the inner surface of the studied polymer samples onto the counter-rotating drums. Digitization of the imprinted pattern gives a possibility to evaluate a degree of sagging, incorrect fixing of rectangular polymer samples to the drums, possible appearance of sample inhomogeneity (variance in thickness, bubbles, etc.). The presented visualization technique is demonstrated using branched LDPE Escorene. Two various imprinted patterns are applied. First, the upper and lower contours are charted on a prepared sample with the aim to determine the sample shapes during stretching and to compare them with the theoretical ones. Second, the inclined rectangular grid pattern is charted for evaluating possible inhomogeneity of the sample. © 2015 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-25-13636

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