Applied Rheology: Publications
Thanunya Saowapark, Pongdhorn Sae-oui, Narongrit Sombatsompop, Chakrit Sirisinha
Storage Instability of Fly Ash Filled Natural Rubber Compounds

Appl. Rheol. 22:5 (2012) 55414 (9 pages)

Abstract: Generally, fly ashes (FA) could function as either semi-reinforcing or non-reinforcing fillers in polymeric systems, depending on particle size, specific surface areas and surface chemistry of FA particles. Typically, FA particles are spherical with smooth surfaces having significant influences on viscoelastic and mechanical properties. Additionally, the presence of heavy metals in FA particles could play role on degradation process of rubber molecules to some extent. In this article, the storage instability and thermal aging properties of FA filled natural rubber (NR) compounds were focused via changes in viscoelastic responses. Results obtained reveal that the storage duration of FA filled NR compounds leads to decreases in elastic modulus and molecular weight, particularly in the compounds with high FA loading. By replacing NR with polyisoprene (IR) containing no non-rubber substances, the storage stability is significantly enhanced. It is believed that the presence of metal ions in both FA and non-rubber substances in NR could catalyze the degradation process of rubber molecules. Such degradation process could effectively be suppressed by the addition of amine-based antioxidant. © 2012 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-22-55414

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Appl Rheol 22 (2012) issues:


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