Applied Rheology: Publications
Patrice Estelle, Christophe Lanos
High torque vane rheometer for concrete: principle and validation from rheological measurements

Appl. Rheol. 22:1 (2012) 12881 (7 pages)

Abstract: A high torque vane rheometer is used to measure the yields stress of cement-based materials. It is shown that this apparatus is suitable for the evaluation of the yield stress of various concretes and mortars in the fresh state in comparison with slump tests realized with ASTM Abrams cone. Then, the rheological properties (yield stress and shear flow behaviour) of a homogeneous kaolin clay suspension are studied with the apparatus and favourably compared with other rheometers and geometries. © 2012 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-22-12881

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Appl Rheol 22 (2012) issues:


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