Applied Rheology: Publications
Miroslav Mrlik, Vladimir Pavlinek, Petr Saha, Otakar Quadrat
Electrorheological properties of suspensions of polypyrrole coated titanate nanorods

Appl. Rheol. 21:5 (2011) 52365 (7 pages)

Abstract: The behaviour of silicone-oil suspensions of titanate nanorods coated with polypyrrole base in electric field has been investigated. Unlike suspension of globular particles of neat polypyrrole, rod-like particles show a stronger electrorheological (ER) effect corresponding to high rigidity of the structure. A great influence of the oil viscosity on the ER efficiency was observed. A good reproducibility of the effect and a fast response to the switching-on and -off the electric field has been confirmed by monitoring the time course of shear stress under controlled shear rate. © 2011 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-21-52365

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