Applied Rheology: Publications
Dmitry Borin, Piotr Nikrityuk, Stefan Odenbach
On the magnetic field influence on the viscosity of liquid GaInSn with suspended solid particles

Appl. Rheol. 19:6 (2009) 61995 (7 pages)

Abstract: Experimental and numerical studies have been undertaken to check the influence of a magnetic field on the viscosity of liquid GaInSn with suspended solid particles.The rheological investigations show a significant change of the slope of the measured flow curves between the situation B = 0 and 0.02 T. By means of numerical simulations of the flow in the presence of Lorentz forces it could be shown that the influence of magnetohydrodynamic damping of the flow reduces the measured changes but does not annihilate them. As conclusion a 15 % change of viscosity of the melt in a magnetic field with B = 0.02 T could be fixed. © 2009 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-19-61995

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