Applied Rheology: Publications
Ernest Carl McIntyre, Frank E. Filisko
Squeeze Flow Rheology of Zeolite Suspensions

Appl. Rheol. 19:4 (2009) 44322 (8 pages)

Abstract: Aggregation, heterogeneous flows, and complex particle geometries all pose challenges in rheology. This paper uses squeeze flow rheometry techniques to examine a case, where all of these played a role. The applicability of some squeeze theories is tested, and the ability to predict results based on suspension theories is examined. The squeeze flow data is shown to deviate from Stefan's Law [Stefan J, Sitz. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Math. Nat. Wien 69 (1874) 713-735]. The suspension rheology deviated from predicted theory, but by taking into account particle effects such as aggregation the fit to the empirical Maron-Pierce equation [Maron SH and PE Pierce, J. Coll. Sci. 11 (1956) 80-95] could be understood. The conclusions of this study show how using only squeeze flow techniques the synergistic nature of these effects can be better understood. © 2009 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-19-44322

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Appl Rheol 19 (2009) issues:


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