Applied Rheology: Publications
Shiva Amirkaveei
A Comparison of the Rheology of four Wheat Flour Doughs via a Damage Function Model

Appl. Rheol. 19:3 (2009) 34305 (9 pages)

Abstract: The basic rheological properties of two Persian wheat flours - Tajan (11 % protein) and Back Cross Roshan (8 % protein) and two Australian wheat flours-JANZ (12.9 % protein) and Rosella (8.6 % protein) have been characterized.These properties have been interpreted via a damage function model. All samples could be reasonably well described by the damage function model with a power-law relaxation spectrum. Although the shear stresses in the Australian samples were higher, the relaxation parameter G(1) and power-law exponent p for the Australian varieties were lower than those for the Persian samples and the damage functions were different. Since protein contents were different, this indicates that the amount of protein is not the sole determinant of softness in the samples. The damage function f was also calculated for all samples. This function gives a measure of the softening due to working or kneading of the samples at a given strain level. © 2009 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-19-34305

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Appl Rheol 19 (2009) issues:


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