Selected ETH Polymer Physics publications

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Article   H.C. Öttinger
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of glasses
Phys. Rev. E 74 (2006) 011113 (25 pages)
We consider the nonequilibrium thermodynamics of glasses from various perspectives. For the commonly used equilibrium-like approach based on Gibbs' fundamental form with an additional pair of conjugate variables, we discuss possible choices of the independent out-of-equilibrium variable and we illustrate some implications by concrete results for a well-known exactly solvable lattice model. The choice of variables is further illuminated from the complementary atomistic perspective offered by the inherent-structure formalism. A general formalism of nonequilibrium thermodynamics is employed (i) to derive the standard equilibrium-like approach, (ii) to formu- late two self-contained levels to describe glassy dynamics and thermodynamics, and (iii) to offer guidance for future simulations of glasses. The thermodynamic approach suggests to introduce four-point correlation functions associated with structural rearrangements after imposed deformations, which might offer a possibility to detect a growing length scale at the glass transition without employing any dynamic information.

for LaTeX users
 author = {H. C. \"Ottinger},
 title = {Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of glasses},
 journal = {Phys. Rev. E},
 volume = {74},
 pages = {011113},
 year = {2006}

\bibitem{HC\"Ottinger2006-74} H.C. \"Ottinger,
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of glasses,
Phys. Rev. E {\bf 74} (2006) 011113 (25 pages).

H.C. \"Ottinger
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of glasses
Phys. Rev. E,74,2006,011113 (25 pages)

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