Selected ETH Polymer Physics publications

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1 selected entry has been cited at least 115 times (SCI, 20-04-2024)

Book   M. Kröger
Models for polymeric and anisotropic liquids
Monography within the series Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 675 Springer, New York (2005)
Part I of this monograph is concerned with the theoretical, analytical as well as numerical prediction of field-induced dynamics and structure for simple models describing soft matter. It presents selected results and demonstrates ranges of applications for the methods described in Part~II. Special emphasis is placed on the finitely extendable nonlinear elastic (FENE) chain models for polymeric liquids, their dynamical and rheological behavior and the description of their inherently anisotropic material properties via deterministic and stochastic approaches. A number of representative examples are given on how simple (but high-dimensional) models can, and have been implemented in order to enable the analysis of the microscopic origins of the dynamical behavior of polymeric materials. These examples are shown to provide us with a number of routes for developing and establishing low-dimensional models devoted to the prediction of a reduced number of Concerning the types of complex fluids, we cover the range from flexible polymers in melts and solutions, wormlike micelles, actin filaments, rigid and semiflexible molecules in flow-induced anisotropic, and also liquid crystalline phases. Fokker-Planck equations and molecular and brownian dynamics computer simulation methods are involved to formulate and analyze the model fluids.

Part II allows the reader to redo simulations and motivates for further investigation of polymeric and anisotropic fluids. It contains computational recipes for devising simulation methods and codes, including Monte Carlo, molecular and brownian dynamics (written in Mathwork's Matlab, thus allowing for simple visualization and animation). A special chapter on isotropic and irreducible tensors allows for comfortable conversion between stochastic differential equations, tensorial balances, and equations for coefficients including the testing of closure approximations. We explicitely derive coupled equations for alignment tensors for arbitrary tensor fields suitable for nth order approximations strictly valid close to equilibrium, and also highly anisotropic states.

@book{MKröger2005, author = {M. Kröger}, title = {Models for polymeric and anisotropic liquids Monography within the series Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol.}, volume = {675}, year = {2005}, publisher = {Springer, New York }

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