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Christopher Klein, Paul Venema, Leonard Sagis, Dagmar van Dusschoten, Manfred Wilhelm, Hans Wolfgang Spiess, Erik van der Linden, Salman S. Rogers, Athene M. Donald
Rheo-optical Measurements using Fast Fourier Transform and Oversampling

Appl. Rheol. 17:4 (2007) 45210 (7 pages)

Rheo-optics is a method that allows the analysis of optical properties, like birefringence and dichroism under steady and oscillatory shear. It is possible to correlate macroscopic mechanical responses with induced microscopic changes in the material. We describe how this method was improved several fold and implemented on a commercially available setup. However, the here presented ideas are applicable to any rheo-optical setup, based on modulation of the laser light. Additionally it does not need a lock-in amplifier and therefore reduces the costs of the setup.

Cite this publication as follows:
Klein C, Venema P, Sagis L, vanDusschoten D, Wilhelm M, Spiess HW, vanderLinden E, Rogers SS, Donald AM: Rheo-optical Measurements using Fast Fourier Transform and Oversampling, Appl. Rheol. 17 (2007) 45210.

T. Neidhöfer, M. Wilhelm, H.W. Spiess
Fourier-transform-rheology on linear polystyrene melts

Appl. Rheol. 11:3 (2001) 126-133

Large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) was applied to a linear polymer melt in order to study the mechanical harmonic generation in the nonlinear regime. In the nonlinear regime mechanical harmonics at 3w1, 5w1, etc. are generated under oscillatory shear with a shear frequency w1. These higher harmonics can be analysed with respect to frequencies, amplitudes and phase if the time data of the torque is Fourier transformed. This experimental method (FT-Rheology) permits therefore to quantify the mechanical nonlinearities if sinusoidal shear rates are applied. This article describes the basic idea of this experimental method as well as the application to different anionically polymerized polystyrene melts. The dependence of the nonlinear, rheological properties with respect to the molecular weight Mn, the applied strain g0, the frequency w1 and the temperature was investigated. In addition to simple nonlinear theories we could also observe even harmonics at 2w1, 4w1, etc. in the FT-rheology spectra. The appearance of even harmonics was correlated with the appearance of a more complex nonlinear behaviour.

Cite this publication as follows:
Neidhö, fer T, Wilhelm M, Spiess HW: Fourier-transform-rheology on linear polystyrene melts, Appl. Rheol. 11 (2001) 126.

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