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Piyush G. Gigras, Bamim Khomami.Br> An Evaluation of Single-Segment Reptation Theories for Linear Entangled Polymeric Systems
Appl. Rheol. 14:1 (2004) 22-32

A short synopsis of the recently proposed reptation models based on the Doi and Edwards. tube concept is provided. Specifically, a critical examination of a number of theories like the .simplified. Mead-Larson-Doi model, the Ă–tinger model and the .Double Convection Reptation. model of Marrucci and coworkers has been performed. These models have been chosen due the fact that are computationally tractable as they mimic the chain dynamics in the tube using unconnected portions of the chain in a mean field way. Overall, we find each of these models to be equally competitive barring a few exceptional cases, where it is suspected that certain critical assumptions, made during the formulation of the model could lead to inaccurate predictions under transient or Lagrangian unsteady settings.

Cite this publication as follows:
Gigras PG, Khomami B: An Evaluation of Single-Segment Reptation Theories for Linear Entangled Polymeric Systems, Appl. Rheol. 14 (2004) 22.

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