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Rolando Curvale, Carlos Cesco
Intrinsic viscosity determination by 'single-point' and 'double-point' equations

Appl. Rheol. 19:5 (2009) 53347 (6 pages)

"Single-point" equations used for intrinsic viscosity determination are greatly used when working with synthetic polymer solution systems. In this work we have applied them to a biological macromolecule in a bovine serum albumin (BSA)/water system. Almost all single-point equations are available and errors can be lowered. However, we have detected a systematic bias in the estimations provided by "single-point" methods. To overcome it we propose a "double-point" method which gives lower estimation errors for this system. This novel method is not system specific and could be applied to other polymeric solution.

Cite this publication as follows:
Curvale R, Cesco C: Intrinsic viscosity determination by 'single-point' and 'double-point' equations, Appl. Rheol. 19 (2009) 53347.

Manuel Dolz, FranCesco.Corrias, Octavio Diez-Sales, Alejandro Casanovas, M.J. Hernandez
Influence of test times on creep and recovery behaviour of Xanthan gum hydrogels

Appl. Rheol. 19:3 (2009) 34201 (8 pages)

Rheological creep and recovery tests have been applied at different assay times to xanthan gum hydrogels at several concentrations. The Burger model has been successfully applied to fit the creep data and to analyze results. Increasing the xanthan gum concentration also increases the elastic and viscous components without changing the molecular distribution of these hydrogels. A semi-empirical equation considering the different elements of the Burger model has been proposed to analyze compliance behavior in recovery tests. The dependence of the relative contribution to deformation of the Maxwell and Kelvin-Voigt units upon xanthan gum concentration and recovery assay times has been evaluated. Since the recovery ratio is the same for all hydrogels, we suggest parallel structures with no mutual interactions are formed when increasing concentration.

Cite this publication as follows:
Dolz M, Corrias F, Diez-Sales O, Casanovas A, Hernandez M: Influence of test times on creep and recovery behaviour of Xanthan gum hydrogels, Appl. Rheol. 19 (2009) 34201.

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