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Y. Peysson, T. Aubry, M. Moan
Phenomenological Approach of the Effective Viscosity of Hard Sphere Suspensions in Shear-Thinning Media

Appl. Rheol. 16:3 (2006) 145-151

In this work we investigate the rheological behaviour of macroscopic buoyant hard spheres dispersed in a shearthinning suspending fluid. We focus on the phenomenological study of the influence of the shear-thinning behaviour of the suspending medium on the effective apparent suspension viscosity at different volume fractions. In the oil industry, the effective viscosity concept is widely used and very useful to quickly characterize a change of viscosity due to an increase of the solid content. Viscosity measurements are compared to the effective viscosity of a suspension of hard spheres in an Ostwald fluid. The power law index of the suspending fluid is shown, both experimentally and theoretically, to influence strongly the volume fraction dependence of the suspension effective viscosity. All experimental results are shown to be quite correctly plotted on a master curve, with only one adjustable parameter, the maximum packing fraction φ_m. The best fit is obtained for φ_m = 0.57, corresponding to the theoretical maximum random packing volume fraction.

Cite this publication as follows:
Peysson Y, Aubry T, Moan M: Phenomenological Approach of the Effective Viscosity of Hard Sphere Suspensions in Shear-Thinning Media, Appl. Rheol. 16 (2006) 145.

Thierry Aubry, Tolotrahasiina Razafinimaro, Ricardo Silva Jacinto, Philippe Bassoulet
Rheological Properties of a Natural Estuarine Mud

Appl. Rheol. 13:3 (2003) 142-149

In this paper, the linear and non-linear rheological properties of estuarine cohesive sediments were investigated. The density of the sediments has been determined by pycnometry. Creep and oscillatory shear measurements have been performed in order to determine i) the transitions in mechanical response to creep and oscillatory shear and ii) the material properties of these natural fluids as a function of their density. For all samples tested, four different rheological transitions have been determined and all material properties have been shown to be satisfactorily fitted by exponential functions of the density.

Cite this publication as follows:
Aubry T, Razafinimaro T, Jacinto RS, Bassoulet P: Rheological Properties of a Natural Estuarine Mud, Appl. Rheol. 13 (2003) 142.

T. Aubry, L. Blonce, M. Moan
Gap Effects in a Rheometrical Flow of a hydrophobically associating polymer solution: apparent slip or material instability?

Appl. Rheol. 10:1 (2000) 31-36

Cite this publication as follows:
Aubry T, Blonce L, Moan M: Gap Effects in a Rheometrical Flow of a hydrophobically associating polymer solution: apparent slip or material instability?, Appl. Rheol. 10 (2000) 31.

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